AET Student Membership
- Open to students who can verify they are enrolled in a university or college program leading to qualification for Associate ET membership.
- Proof of enrollment, in the form of enrollment documents from school, required. Copies of class schedules accepted.
- Online application available; must be followed up by supplying proof of enrollment within 30 days of joining. (Membership cancelled after 30 days if proof of enrollment not received by the office.)
Student classification is good for two membership terms of one year each, after which new proof of school enrollment must be provided.
Benefits of Student membership include:
- Discounted yearly dues of $50
- Additional discounts to AET events, including workshops and conferences
- Member prices at AET store
- Professional networking and support
- The Educational Therapist Journal
- Local and Virtual Study Groups
- Access to the Members’ Center on the AET website
- Electronic copy of the AET Professional Directory
- $100 discount on first year Associate ET membership dues